Some Overcrowding During Peak Hour Is Perfectly Acceptable.....

Monday 14 March 2011

travel is so fun...i wanna add another 20 minutes to my trip

You would think by 5.30 the crowd would of died down enough for me to get on a train. Why have 3 carriage trains running at peak time? If transperth cant afford morr of these tin cans on what I alone pay in travel there is something very wrong with how its being managed.

Sunday 13 March 2011

Usual Monday Fun

Top Up Smart Rider Machine broken
1x ticket machine broken - missed train because waiting in line to buy a ticket.
Change machine still broken - has this thing ever worked?????
Escalator broken at Perth.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Change machine broken No seat again. Feel for anyone at Bull Creek station - how do you ever go on the train and get to work?

Cant get on bloody train

As usual the train is too full to get on. Got on the next one but no chance of a seat

Monday 7 March 2011

You SUCK Transperth

I keep hoping Transperth will improve their "service". No, no, that's not right...... I keep hoping Transperth will provide some service. I like to compare it to being in a relationship you know is just not going to work out...but you're hoping against hope it will change.

I am so fed up with large companies not giving a shit because there is no competition and they know there is nothing else you can do. So what can i do???? I cant jump on an anti-Transperth train and travel to work can I. So this is my small way of trying to stick it to the big guys.... It's my retaliation...It's my way to vent and purge and get it out. After numerous complaints to Transperth I have got nowhere and seen no improvements so I have decided to put it all up on a blog. Shame Transperth, Shame!!!

I have complained to them on several occasions and received various responses, none of which were of any help. Everything from "dont travel during peak time" to "we are aware of the overcrowding and plan to get more carriages Nov 10" - my complaint was raised in February 2010.

I am not sure what bothers me more - the crappy service - or the fact that Transperth just dont give a shit.

My list of general complaints are so varied its hard to know where to begin. I am sure you will think I am just a whinger with nothing better to do. But pretty much on a daily basis there is something that SUX about travelling with Transperth. It is never a nice experience.

Overcrowding & Peak hour congestion: I would jump on at Rockingham in the mornings - that is two stations - Mandurah and Warnbro before getting to me. By the time the train reached Rockingham it was so full I would rarely get a seat.... and I travel to Perth. I dont think I would mind so much if the fares werent so expensive, but I am paying more then $5.00 to stand up for 30+ minutes. NOT GOOD ENOUGH. And on the way home.. there is nothing worse then being squashed into a carriage with a thousand people when its been 30+ degrees that day. All the sweaty, stinky people crammed up against each other. YUK.

Bus Drivers - The bus drivers are from the same arm of the SS as the transit guards. Dont expect any service. In fact, expect them to be down right rude and patronizing. The majority of them dont even know the route they take. Try it out. Ask one of them, do you stop on such and such street? I guarantee the majority of them can't tell you.

Bus drivers not stopping -  Example: A stand has been set up in the Perth underground bus terminal for travellers to East Perth. It is supposed to make it easier to get a bus to East Perth while the roadwork chaos is going on. The only issue with this is that the buses actually have to STOP there to pick up passengers. There are over 20 buses listed on this sign and you're lucky if one of them will stop at the stand and pick you up.  And dont think it is restricted to this stand. Many of them just cruise on by. This may be a training issue. I think they really need to empasize to the drivers that they need to STOP to pick up passengers as using the ability to teleport onto the bus has now been restricted by federal laws for security reasons.

Smart Rider machines not working - Transperth have pushed for everyone who travels regularly to get one of these cards to make it "cheaper and easer" to travel. My advice...DONT rely on the top up machines at the stations. If you're like me and rarely carry cash you are screwed. My response from transperth when i queried this was " is up to the individual to ensure there is enough credit on your smart rider to travel". Well...I would do that, if there was a machine I can top it up with smart arse! - At least once a week i cant top up my smart rider at the station becaue the machines are out of order.

Ticket machines broken - Oh and don't rely on the ticket machines either. If you are lucky enough to have the change to buy a ticket be sure to allow plenty of time to buy it. Inevitably at least one ticket machine will be broken, leaving you to line up in a long line of forlorn souls. 

Transit guards - These transit guards are just plain RUDE!!! Fair enough many of them look like they have just escaped from a civil war in Burma, but do they also need to act like it? Talk about being on a power trip. There ONE and ONLY objective is to catch fare evaders. Ever wonder why during peak hour they are everywhere, and at night, when there is no one around and are actually needed there are none around. And why do you need so many to stand around and chat in the perth terminal?? Nothing annoys me more then a small man who is given a uniform and then thinks they are Colonel Gadaffi.